Father D. Joseph Waugh

Marines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.” - Real Raw News

Good man. Now let’s see how long it takes before he is relieved of duty. I wonder if the other Generals will get behind him and tell Biden and company to shove it.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Who am I to judge? Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsBgklzfhidc

Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Authoritarian Cardinal Reiterates His Ban On Roman Mass

The Queen has spoken!
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Bishop Strickland says he is ‘troubled’ by Fr. Altman’s suspension, urges him to be obedient

Obedience along with silence has brought the Church to the brink of destruction. "No man can serve two masters" Bad Bishops are one master and Our Lord is the other. They are not working to the same end. Be obedient to the ones that have fruit on the tree and are working to save holy Mother Church. Loudly protest the Bishops that are working against it and do not obey anyone in bed with Bergolio, …More
Obedience along with silence has brought the Church to the brink of destruction. "No man can serve two masters" Bad Bishops are one master and Our Lord is the other. They are not working to the same end. Be obedient to the ones that have fruit on the tree and are working to save holy Mother Church. Loudly protest the Bishops that are working against it and do not obey anyone in bed with Bergolio, an agent of satan.
Father D. Joseph Waugh


Too good to be true.
Father D. Joseph Waugh

Pope Francis: Give Disabled the Sacraments

Haven't we been doing this for like 2,000 years now?