“There will be no mandatory vaccinations for my Marines” ~ Gen. Berger

Marines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.” - Real Raw News

Marine Corps General David H. Berger on Monday rebuked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s edict requiring all Armed …
Sancte Michael Archangele, défende nos in proelio
It appears this is not a true article sadly. FACT CHECK: Did Marine Corps General David Berger Say, ‘There Will Be No Mandatory Vaccinations For My Marines’? | Check Your Fact Real Raw News where this article is from pubishes satire/humor.
Too good to be true!
Seems like there are a few good men among the rank and file in the military.
Hugh N. Cry
Are there any other sources other than realrawnews quoting this?
They ain't his and, as Commander In Cheat, Sleepy Joe Biden technically outranks him.
That's a very frightening thing, especially if the people commanding the troops remember a disarmed society has always been the most easily controlled society.
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Good man. Now let’s see how long it takes before he is relieved of duty. I wonder if the other Generals will get behind him and tell Biden and company to shove it.
Live Mike
"Semper fi, do or die"