Hugh N. Cry

Jesuit Father James Martin: U.S. Bishops Overemphasize Abortion

ROME — Jesuit Father James Martin told Italian media U.S. bishops are obsessed with abortion, which clouds their vision on other equally …
James Martin is scum straight from hell.
The Pied Piper of Sodomy, aka James Martin LGBTQWXYZSJ, refuses to emphasize the consequences of unrepented sin, eternal damnation.
Father D. Joseph Waugh
Overemphasize Abortion? Easy for him to say. He has already been born.
Hound of Heaven
This guy is the pathetic embodiment of "pride goes before a fall" Proverbs 16:18. For the sake of his soul he should probably read more of the source of such advice rather than trying to dispense his own.
Father Martin suggested that the bishops are out of sync with Pope Francis... Fr. Martin forgets Pope Francis isn't The Church herself.
chris griffin
Abortion is the litmus test for politicians and double the litmus test for clerics. Martin failed the test. He is another non-Catholic catholic.