Taking Recourse EXDirector
WHO deems tobacco connection to pharmaceutical co is primordial than the lives of our preborn children!

Tobacco causes grave concern, Aborted Children do not - Taking Recourse

In recent news, the World Health Organization (WHO) decided not to accept the plant-based, Medicago COVID-19 vaccine for emergency …
For a complete list of Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals see our chart.
Take back the RIGHT to Choose!
For those wanting an ETHICAL , non mRna vaccine, it may be on the way.

Ethical Vaccines: COVAXIN updates - Taking Recourse

Posted on February 18, 2022 Many families are extremely torn regarding the use of the HEK-293 cell lines utilized in development, production and/or …
Alex A
We need to change the language. There is no COVID-19. There is only the flu. Period! Enhanced? Maybe. To date, all autopsy's recorded have only found …More
We need to change the language. There is no COVID-19. There is only the flu. Period! Enhanced? Maybe. To date, all autopsy's recorded have only found either A or B strains of the common flu.
"I understand it's voluntary--so far anyway" History shows how long that lasted. ;-) Does it come in Rasberry flavor? Because if not, then it's still …More
"I understand it's voluntary--so far anyway" History shows how long that lasted. ;-) Does it come in Rasberry flavor? Because if not, then it's still inferior to Robitussin DM Max! That stuff is the bomb!
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Thanks Recourse, excuse my ignorance please elaborate.
Ave Crux
Condemned by their own words...
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No man can dictate another's conscience nor make a determination if the conscience is sincere.
Jeffrey Ade
Always good to hear things that help us know when we stand firm we are doing the right thing following our conscience!
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Join us and Be sure to sign the Bethlehem Declaration!!

The Bethlehem Declaration: Appeal to Catholic Leaders to reject abortion-tainted COVID vaccines and …

Posted on December 20, 2021 Yvonne Bontkowski, Executive Director of Taking Recourse along with …
Don't let ANYONE tell you there is NO aborted Fetal Material IN vaccines and medicines. The lie is once again circulating and must END! Settled Science: Yes, Aborted Fetal Material is Most Certainly …More
Don't let ANYONE tell you there is NO aborted Fetal Material IN vaccines and medicines. The lie is once again circulating and must END!
Settled Science: Yes, Aborted Fetal Material is Most Certainly Present in Vaccines and Medicines - Taking Recourse

Settled Science: Yes, Aborted Fetal Material is Most Certainly Present in Vaccines and Medicines - …

Posted on February 3, 2022 Recently it came to our attention from various supporters that there has …
Taking Recourse EXDirector
I think that's not true. I've never seen so many people outraged because they didn't know. I talk to parents who are just sick over this every day. They …More
I think that's not true. I've never seen so many people outraged because they didn't know. I talk to parents who are just sick over this every day. They only came to know because of the Covid vaccines.
The vast majority of people couldn't care less
End the slaughter of our unborn!
How many more children must we sacrifice for the sake of Science? The hunt for fresh babies continues...
Wow, Dr. Ian Donald. That is graphic enough, I would think, to give pause to even the most hardened of pro choice advocates.
It doesn't get more satanic than this
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I have a great list put together regarding the cov vax and treatments with relevant links to the documentation.. Stay ahead of the game....

Covid Vaccines - Taking Recourse

The use of abortion-derived cell lines in COVID-19 vaccines has made national news. While we have been fighting the good fight to gain alternatives, educate the public …

Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion …

Posted on October 29, 2021 Tues, Oct 26, 2021 By Bishop Athanasius Schneider We have never seen such …
"Abortion is clearly wrong. I don’t think anyone debates that." - Dr. Jordan Peterson
Paging @Fr Matthew P Schneider LC If you feel you can counter his article, take your best shot. :) Schneider vs. Schneider: Catholic Clergy Edition!
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