Taking Recourse EXDirector
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Statement of Religious Objection to mandatory vaccination

More exemption letters.
Full pdf chart of all childhood & Covid vaccines & relevant information.
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Sorry Pro-Life Pro-Vaccine Christians – Novavax Allegedly Based on Aborted Fetal Cell Lines After All

Ethical in development and production. Tested on aborted fetal cell line HEK 293
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Ethical Vaccines: COVAXIN updates - Taking Recourse

Mean Culpa, didn't see this actually , was responding to the other notifications.
So... After vaccination with Covaxin, B cells produce antibodies that stick to the spike protein, it then prevents the virus from entering the cells.
It is actually an inactivated whole virus vaccine , same tech as the inactivated Polio vaccine.( IPV) It's an older consistent and stable technology.More
Mean Culpa, didn't see this actually , was responding to the other notifications.

So... After vaccination with Covaxin, B cells produce antibodies that stick to the spike protein, it then prevents the virus from entering the cells.

It is actually an inactivated whole virus vaccine , same tech as the inactivated Polio vaccine.( IPV) It's an older consistent and stable technology.
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Guitar Blessing: Blasphemy in the Name of "Unity" (Video)

Many bailed the local parishes for megachurch Willow Creek. This is their competition.. smh
Taking Recourse EXDirector

"Just as it is licit to resist the Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him …

Often people need terminology clarified. Many do not know the difference regarding assent. What is dogma, what is an encyclical, what is a decree, what is a papal bull, what is infallible, what is ex cathedra.
In this sense, confusion arises and ppl believe they must follow blindly without understanding , as I said, what requires assent.
Don't you think?More
Often people need terminology clarified. Many do not know the difference regarding assent. What is dogma, what is an encyclical, what is a decree, what is a papal bull, what is infallible, what is ex cathedra.

In this sense, confusion arises and ppl believe they must follow blindly without understanding , as I said, what requires assent.

Don't you think?
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Fr. John Hardon, SJ

Ha! I made that Meme several years ago! Thanks for sharing!
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Top university scientists respond to 'absolute lies' from Fauci, mainstream media - LifeSite

And serious Catholics should sign the Bethlehem Declaration!
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Robert F. KENNEDY, Jr. “If you wanna know why there’s such a strong fierce drive to vaccinate children …

Aderito, the man you praise is pro abortion. He works for his own benefit
Taking Recourse EXDirector

NO MORE BABIES! Conscience and Vaccines by Father Ambrose - Dr. Sam Bailey

Excellent analysis! Join the movement to take Recourse and say NO MORE!
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Settled Science: Yes, Aborted Fetal Material is Most Certainly Present in Vaccines and Medicines - …

I think that's not true. I've never seen so many people outraged because they didn't know. I talk to parents who are just sick over this every day. They only came to know because of the Covid vaccines.
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Biden Headlines National Prayer Breakfast Days After Launching Campaign to Expand Abortion - LifeNews.com

When will they take a stand and excommunicate this man.
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Bishop Discovers THE Universal Covid Injection Expert

It's simply an opinion. " Vaccines are not a moral obligation, but must remain voluntary"
No one can dictate another man's conscience, even IF it was in error, one is bound to obey it.
Find more info:
It's simply an opinion. " Vaccines are not a moral obligation, but must remain voluntary"

No one can dictate another man's conscience, even IF it was in error, one is bound to obey it.

Find more info:
Taking Recourse EXDirector

EXCLUSIVE Russia moves blood supplies near Ukraine, adding to U.S. concern, officials say

I saw it reported in the Polish news early this morning too. The Polish army is digging moats and anti tank ditches along the Belarus boarder too.
Why would Putin spend allll that $ , in a crushed economy in USSR, just to bluff. I dunno . Best the Baltics prepare wisely.More
I saw it reported in the Polish news early this morning too. The Polish army is digging moats and anti tank ditches along the Belarus boarder too.

Why would Putin spend allll that $ , in a crushed economy in USSR, just to bluff. I dunno . Best the Baltics prepare wisely.
Taking Recourse EXDirector

Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion …

Indeed! But everyones conscience is unique. Yet it does not help with all this confusion regarding what I thought was pretty clear...
"Vaccines, in general, are NOT morally obligatory and must remain voluntary"More
Indeed! But everyones conscience is unique. Yet it does not help with all this confusion regarding what I thought was pretty clear...

"Vaccines, in general, are NOT morally obligatory and must remain voluntary"