
Bp. Schneider: There’s a ‘basic error’ in Vatican documents on ‘material cooperation’ with abortion …

Posted on October 29, 2021 Tues, Oct 26, 2021 By Bishop Athanasius Schneider We have never seen such …
"Abortion is clearly wrong. I don’t think anyone debates that." - Dr. Jordan Peterson
Paging @Fr Matthew P Schneider LC If you feel you can counter his article, take your best shot. :) Schneider vs. Schneider: Catholic Clergy Edition!
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
He cannot even get the facts right.He states, "According these documents from the Vatican one can use such vaccines in an exceptional way... at the same time, those who use it should express their public protest against such vaccines, which are linked to an abortion, and ask for an alternative vaccine which does not use in any way such cells or cell-lines." This is only true of those grown on fetal …More
He cannot even get the facts right.He states, "According these documents from the Vatican one can use such vaccines in an exceptional way... at the same time, those who use it should express their public protest against such vaccines, which are linked to an abortion, and ask for an alternative vaccine which does not use in any way such cells or cell-lines." This is only true of those grown on fetal cell lines. If only tested the cooperation is significantly more remote. Only the 2020 document addresses testing and it's only line about it is It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.” It later states Catholics might skip those grown on fetal cell lines but explicitly excludes those tested on there. more in depth: Testing on Fetal Cell Lines: What Does the Church Teach? | Catholic Moral Theology

Then, "the use of abortion tainted vaccines brings us to a close collaboration with the fetal industry." This is factually false. If that is your standard, you can't pay taxes, use modern electronics, etc. as all closer to an abortion.

"Fetal industry is so exceptional immoral and horrible that it cannot be compared with other common issues of a collaboration or a benefitting of evil acts of others" This has been affirmed by him before but never given a defense. Plus, if that's the principle, don't pay taxes, don't buy anything made in China, etc. as those are both significantly closer.


His position is unsustainable if applied remotely consistently: publishing this article & sharing it to Gloria.tv betrays the principle he is trying to affirm. Also, he misrepresents facts.
Flesh those points out, Father, and you've got one heck of an article. Just a thought.
“In this precise historical moment, there seems to be some sort of powerful, iniquitous will which is pushing all of humanity to become a link so to speak into this chain of evil, so that all would be enchained.”
After being admitted to the hospital the doctor asked my husband, “why didn’t you take the vaccine?” And my husband response was, “You cannot take a life to save a life”.
Taking Recourse EXDirector
Indeed! But everyones conscience is unique. Yet it does not help with all this confusion regarding what I thought was pretty clear...
"Vaccines, in general, are NOT morally obligatory and must remain voluntary"More
Indeed! But everyones conscience is unique. Yet it does not help with all this confusion regarding what I thought was pretty clear...

"Vaccines, in general, are NOT morally obligatory and must remain voluntary"
Jeffrey Ade
And he is right!
Jeffrey Ade
"In this precise historical moment, there seems to be some sort of powerful, iniquitous will which is pushing all of humanity to become a link so to speak into this chain of evil, so that all would be enchained.""We have to really to awaken to see the real dangers, the consequences and the circumstances." Very well put letter on the problem in the Vatican issuing immoral directives from an "Official …More
"In this precise historical moment, there seems to be some sort of powerful, iniquitous will which is pushing all of humanity to become a link so to speak into this chain of evil, so that all would be enchained.""We have to really to awaken to see the real dangers, the consequences and the circumstances." Very well put letter on the problem in the Vatican issuing immoral directives from an "Official Organ." Another gambit from the communists at the Vatican, to put waking people to sleep! Works like this, you know it's wrong, they say it's right, in your confusion you weaken your resolve and give in. You've been moonblinked! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Taking Recourse EXDirector
The complacency by laity, so-called conservative legislators and yes- our clergy and leadership over the last 20 years pains me to no end. HOW many millions of Catholics are there in this country? Pro Life-ers, HOW many clergy, how many Bishops? how many legislators?-- ETC... If we DEMANDED 20 years ago to END the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines and pharma, we would NEVER be here today …More
The complacency by laity, so-called conservative legislators and yes- our clergy and leadership over the last 20 years pains me to no end. HOW many millions of Catholics are there in this country? Pro Life-ers, HOW many clergy, how many Bishops? how many legislators?-- ETC... If we DEMANDED 20 years ago to END the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines and pharma, we would NEVER be here today justifying their use.

I will NOT stop fighting the good fight. No way, No how... My work over the last 20 years will NOT be in vain! I WILL see and end to this!
Jeffrey Ade
@Taking Recourse EXDirector I too consider the complacency of the people and I think it is similar to Pharonic Egypt during the time of Noah. People are "processed" with "magic acts of human sacrifice" and these in turn cause the majority of people to begin to live in a "waking dream." Those who fight back do not accept the "discordance" and consequently become marginalized by those who are "gaslighted …More
@Taking Recourse EXDirector I too consider the complacency of the people and I think it is similar to Pharonic Egypt during the time of Noah. People are "processed" with "magic acts of human sacrifice" and these in turn cause the majority of people to begin to live in a "waking dream." Those who fight back do not accept the "discordance" and consequently become marginalized by those who are "gaslighted." So since the WWII we have been "moonblinked" by the leaders of the US, and have gradually dulled our minds to process the discordance and get on with our lives. However your sacrifices will always be rewarded by Almighty God, no matter what obstacles you will face! God bless you! Also as soon as we give up the fight we begin "living the dream!"