Quo Primum
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Statement of Religious Objection to mandatory vaccination March 1st 2022 To whom it may concern: I am writing to request an exemption from all vaccine requirements for the bearer of this letter, with …More
Statement of Religious Objection to mandatory vaccination
March 1st 2022
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to request an exemption from all vaccine requirements for the bearer of this letter, with whom I share sincerely held religious beliefs in the statement below. Our objections come on the fact that all the currently available Covid-19 injections make use of aborted fetal stem cells in their production.
Plus the fact that a moral and religious person may not commit self-harm or even risk self-harm disproportionately. The mandates are an immoral overreaching of individual bodily autonomy, and they are proving to be causing serious and even deadly effects.
The Catholic Church has consistently and emphatically upheld the right to life from conception until natural death and therefore considers induced abortion, for whatever reason, to be gravely sinful. Thus, taking these novel injections which make use of fetal stem cells in any way whatsoever, would make one at least a material …More
Quo Primum
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More exemption letters.
Full pdf chart of all childhood & Covid vaccines & relevant information.