
Gay Propaganda Destroys Human Dignity – Cardinal Müller

Gay propaganda groups "attack all those who do not think their way, they insult, they even destroy the human dignity of people who think differently from them”, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller.

Talking to Catholic News Agency (May 25), Müller explained that the gender ideology comes up with dozens of "genders" while in reality God created only man and woman.

Müller concludes, “No man can identify himself with a category that does not exist in reality.”

Müller explains that the gender folly originates from Marxism which believes that the mind does not recognize reality but rather creates it, "When the Communist party says that 2+2 is 5, everybody must believe it.”

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller, © Elke Wetzig, CC BY-SA, #newsSxmeijwjrh