
Irish Bishop: Receiving Communion For Abortion-Voters “A Matter Of Conscience”

Catholics who voted in favour of abortion in Ireland “should consider” coming to confession, according to Bishop Kevin Doran of Elphin, Ireland.

Journalist Sean O’Rourke asked Doran on RTE Radio (May 28), if yes-voters could receive Holy Communion. Doran answered cowardly that this is [allegedly] a matter of the “personal conscience”.

“In over 40 years as a priest I have never turned anybody away from Holy Communion because the presumption, as people approach the altar, is that they come in good faith.”

The Second Vatican Council called abortion an “abominable crime”. Therefore, those who promote abortion by voting for it are "abominable criminals".

Picture: © National Party, CC BY, #newsMpttkjpxlx
Libor Halik
The sign of future was Longford Irish Cathedral burning on 25th of December of 2009. St Mel's Cathedral fire Majestic Irish Cathedral (St. Mel in Longford) Destroyed by Fire between the conclusion of the midnight Mass and Christmas morning
Libor Halik
It is an abomination of desolation.
Don't they also have to have a firm purpose of amendment? I mean if they say i would vote the same way tomorrow-would it be a valid confession ??
"Should consider" - Such courageous leadership from the bishop
That magic phrase.