Weekly Mass attendance in Boston archdiocese:
2003: 316,000.
2019: 201,000.
2022: Under 127,000.

Cardinal O’Malley reflects on 20 years at the helm of the Boston Archdiocese

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, who received praise and some mild criticism over his work to right the church both financially …
John A Cassani
I couldn’t read the article, as it’s behind a paywall, but I know Cardinal O’Malley’s tenure in Boston quite well. The episode around the successful defeat of the assisted suicide ballot initiative in 2012 typifies so much of what he has done (or not done). When criticized on the strategy to focus ads on the flaws in the proposed law, and, especially, on showing the large bottle of barbiturate …More
I couldn’t read the article, as it’s behind a paywall, but I know Cardinal O’Malley’s tenure in Boston quite well. The episode around the successful defeat of the assisted suicide ballot initiative in 2012 typifies so much of what he has done (or not done). When criticized on the strategy to focus ads on the flaws in the proposed law, and, especially, on showing the large bottle of barbiturate pills one would need to take in order to ensure death, he replied that the P.R. firm who advised the archdiocese (the decidedly left leaning Rasky Baerlein) said that it would take at least 5 years to conduct a campaign to change people’s minds as to the morality of assisted suicide. There was never any campaign that followed the referendum, which was defeated by about 8,000 votes, in what may prove to be the last major political victory for the Church in Massachusetts. Parish reorganization went similarly, with lots of flowery language about evangelization, but with the reality being that it was a plan to cut costs (not nearly enough), and the results of the retreat are that the footprint of the Archdiocese of Boston has shrunk by almost 2/3 in twenty years, after having shrunk similarly over the previous 30.
Chris S Chambers shares this
Weekly Mass attendance in Boston archdiocese:
2003: 316,000.
2019: 201,000.
2022: Under 127,000.
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