9/11: THERE WERE NO PLANES - PART VII - The false flag bombing of 9/11 proves that there are large-scale conspiracies and that it is not reasonable to rule out something similar with respect to the "…More
9/11: THERE WERE NO PLANES - PART VII - The false flag bombing of 9/11 proves that there are large-scale conspiracies and that it is not reasonable to rule out something similar with respect to the "pandemic" - IT IS ALL IN ENGLISH, EXCEPT A FEW SECONDS AT THE BEGINNING - With Spanish Subtitles - See also: 1. 9/11 - There was no plane - Part I - See also: 9-11 Explained in 5 Min… - 2. 9/11: There was no plane - Part II - With Spanish Subtitles - See also… - 3. 9/11: There was no plane - Part III - Video of WTC 7 Collapse - See al… - 4. 9/11: There was no plane - Part IV - North Tower Exploding by David Ch… - 5. 9/11: There was no plane - Part V - About the WTC 7 Collapse - "SEVEN"… - 6. 9/11: There were no planes - Part VI - Architects and Engineers Solvin… - 7. 9-11 Explained in 5 Minutes. europhysicsnews.org/…/pdf/2016/04/epn2016474p21.pdf

For more information: 1. ae911truth.org - 2. wtc7.net
Miles - Christi - English and one more user link to this post