
Vatican Promotes “Medicine from Hell” to Mutilate Children’s Sexual Development

The official outlet VaticanNews.va (March 7) has interviewed Laura Palazzani, a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life in order to justify the use of Triptorelin.

Triptorelin is a sexual development mutilation drug used against children in order to turn them into eunuchs, a process which is sometimes delusively called “sex change.”

The drug is also used as castration agent for reducing sexual urges in sex offenders.

Among patients it is known as "medicine from hell" due to its devastating side effects which include weight gain, hot flashes, brain fog, physical fatigue and ache.

As expected Palazzani used the “case by case” trick in order to recommend the preparation for children.

Picture: © Klesta, Flickr, CC BY-ND, #newsYtoguvyngv
Evidence is multiplying that Satan has sat down in the Vatican. He works more and more boldly, because of the silence of the bishops.
We have to stop ignoring what the Vatican says, especially if it means that we have a duty before God to ignore what the Vatican says >> fromrome.wordpress.com/…/vatican-recogni…
God is still in control, this may further reveal more hidden snakes in church...