
Cardinal: A “Large Percentage” of Church Marriages Breaks Down

McCarrick Cardinal Kevin Farrell, prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, gave a interview to the anti-Catholic AmericaMagazine.org (June 22). Highlights.

• Farrell believes he could be the last cleric in charge of the Dicastery for Laity

• Rumours about Francis’ resignation are “wishful thinking” of those “who oppose him.”

• His dicastery has 37 employees of which 33 are lay people [with much higher salaries than priests and religious].

• There are 109 international lay ecclesial movements under Farrell’s Dicastery.

• A “large percentage” of Church marriages, especially in rich nations, break down within a decade — in some countries, at a rate of over 50%.

• 2’000 participate in the 22-26 June Tenth World Meeting of Families; the first in Philadelphia in 2015 attracted over 1M.

• Farrell holds six appointments: Prefect, Camerlengo, President of the Commission for Reserved Matters, President of the Investment Committee, board member of APSA and of the Commission for the Vatican City State.

• When Francis made him a camerlengo, Farrell replied, “I will accept this job Your Holiness, but on one condition, that you preach at my funeral!”

• Farrell – a former member of the Legionaries of Christ - speaks with Francis in Spanish.

Picture: Kevin Farrell, © press picture, laityfamilylife.va, #newsKsebisittq

A large percentage of clergy are not teaching the truth about the Gospel
Anulments as de facto Catholic divorce are a feature of VaticanTwoism.