
Ex-Seminarian makes revelations about Francis’ Homosexual Protégé

Former Orán Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta once told his seminarians during a pizza and movie night "that he hadn’t had an erection that day,” an anonymous former Orán seminarian told Cruxnow.com's Ines San Martin on August 12.

Zanchetta is a friend and protégé of Pope Francis who made Zanchetta a bishop in 2013 and rescued him, when Zanchetta had to leave his diocese in 2017 because of alleged homosexual misconduct for which he is now under criminal investigation.

The ex-seminarian spent four years in Orán but successfully repelled Zanchetta's advances.

He recounts that Zanchetta used to roam the seminary at night about once a week, offering alcohol to the seminarians, kissing them on their neck and sharing dirty jokes with them.

Now, about twenty former seminarians have testified to the prosecution against Zanchetta. They speak about gifts, fear and their [alleged] "inability" to defend themselves against Zanchetta.

"he hadn’t had an erection that day,” Just think of the look on Pope Francis' face when The Lord passes sentence. Works every time. :D
Thanks Francis for all the fun homoheretics at the Vatican
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Catholic double standard in a meme (from fb)