
Bishop: “Does Francis Want The Roman Masses to Be Celebrated In Gyms Or Parish Halls?”

Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki, Illinois, a canon lawyer, called Francis’ Traditionis Custodes “confusing” and “not well-written.”

He noticed speaking to CatholicWorldReport.com (July 27) that the Roman Mass is no longer allowed in parish churches but at the same time a bishop has to "retain" already erected parishes for the Roman Mass if this is spiritually useful.

Paprocki asks where these Roman Masses should be celebrated if not in parochial churches: “I don’t believe it is the intention of the Holy Father to kick people out of the churches and make them have Mass in a gym or parish hall, or to have us re-designate churches as shrines or oratories.”

Therefore, Paprocki was the first bishop who dispensed from the prohibition to celebrate Roman Masses in parish churches. Several bishops followed him, including even pro-homosex Vienna Cardinal Schönborn who “allowed” the Roman Mass to continue in St Rochus parish church in Vienna.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsWmcypohnsc

Fr Dan
If the TLM is put out of churches and forced to go to a secular venue, thier money will follow them, and TLM goes tend to be far more generous than the average Catholic.
Father John Matthew Duffy
The authentic Catholic Christian Faith is being forced underground anyway. The Traditional Mass will survive and thrive through necessity. By their own hand, the Modernist Vatican shuttered ALL Masses in March of 2020. Though the Modernist bishops think themselves clever by committing adultery with the world, but it is they who have made themselves redundant. Believing priests have not been welcome …More
The authentic Catholic Christian Faith is being forced underground anyway. The Traditional Mass will survive and thrive through necessity. By their own hand, the Modernist Vatican shuttered ALL Masses in March of 2020. Though the Modernist bishops think themselves clever by committing adultery with the world, but it is they who have made themselves redundant. Believing priests have not been welcome in the counterfeit church for over fifty years now - so banning the Traditional Mass is just another stark reminder that Christ’s Church has been hijacked.

“You have the buildings but we have the Faith”

- St. Athanasius
I thought it was very much Francis' intent to push the Roman Mass to gymnasiums and auditoriums and anywhere that is not a Catholic church. Shocking as it is, I don't know how you interpret Traditionis Custodes any differently.
Tony M
It is naive to think it was not Bergoglio's intent to push the Roman Mass out of the churches into any secular venue available. Yes, it was very well written in his efforts to eradicate that Mass over time.
This destroyer knows exactly what he is saying and doing.....and knows precisely how to do it.
Is there anyone out there who has not yet seen the pattern of words & actions of Bergoglio to destroy …More
It is naive to think it was not Bergoglio's intent to push the Roman Mass out of the churches into any secular venue available. Yes, it was very well written in his efforts to eradicate that Mass over time.
This destroyer knows exactly what he is saying and doing.....and knows precisely how to do it.
Is there anyone out there who has not yet seen the pattern of words & actions of Bergoglio to destroy all Catholicity within the Catholic Church???
Maybe it is only those with the 'sensus fidelium' that came with being born into, and experiencing, the pre-Vatican Church who can see Bergoglio's behaviour for what it is with clear eyes.
Wakey, wakey everyone....particularly the hierarchy!!!
We need brave action from bishops and cardinals....not cowardly naivety!!!
Many bishops have dispensed priests/laity of Article 3 of Traditionis (the "not in parochial churches" clause). This rule is ridiculous and arguably impossible to follow, yet John Paul II tried to impose the same rule in 1984 in Quattor Abhinc Annos (with the exception that a bishop could permit the TLM in parishes "in extraordinary cases"). For Francis, I would chalk up this rule to a real dislike …More
Many bishops have dispensed priests/laity of Article 3 of Traditionis (the "not in parochial churches" clause). This rule is ridiculous and arguably impossible to follow, yet John Paul II tried to impose the same rule in 1984 in Quattor Abhinc Annos (with the exception that a bishop could permit the TLM in parishes "in extraordinary cases"). For Francis, I would chalk up this rule to a real dislike of the traditional liturgy on his part. But John Paul II seemed less antagonistic toward the TLM overall, yet he tried it, too. And he only relented in 1988 with Ecclesia Dei because the SSPX was more aggressive than he expected. I wonder if these popes simply deluded themselves into thinking it was reasonable to have the TLM anywhere but a church, or if it was genuinely a malicious desire to rid the Church of the TLM entirely for both of them. The pessimist in me believes the latter. At the same time, while I'm not a huge fan of John Paul II, even I want to give him more credit than that. Regardless, it's nice that bishops are realizing how unworkable it is to ban the TLM from parishes.

Fr Dan
From a purely secular stance, If they're chased out, they'll take thier money with them, and the Trads are very generous.