
Vigano a Herald - Fides et Ratio

Three years ago I was among the first – and certainly the first Bishop – to denounce pandemic and vaccination fraud. Expressed with arguments that today emerge as true …
Sean Johnson
In the old days, Vigano would have been to the SSPX what +de Mayer was to +Lefebvre: Their strongest ally. But today, they dare not make an ally of an enemy of Francis, lest he revoke all the concessions he made to entice them into a de facto “recognition of tolerance ad tempus” (ie., probation based upon “good behavior”) for the capture and dissolution of traditional resistance to the conciliar …More
In the old days, Vigano would have been to the SSPX what +de Mayer was to +Lefebvre: Their strongest ally. But today, they dare not make an ally of an enemy of Francis, lest he revoke all the concessions he made to entice them into a de facto “recognition of tolerance ad tempus” (ie., probation based upon “good behavior”) for the capture and dissolution of traditional resistance to the conciliar revolution. So Vigano remains persona non grata to the neo-SSPX, which prefers to hitch their conciliar-bound wagon to more favorably viewed bishops like Hounder, Schneider, et al, who remain attached to saving the council (and therefore are still useful to Francis, whatever else they might say that sounds traditional).