"NUR FUR DEUTSCHE" /during world war II "only for Germans"/ since coming Wednesday September 22, 2021 in Canada: "ONLY for VACCINATED" .... - restaurants - only fur....vaccinated... - exercisse clubs …More
"NUR FUR DEUTSCHE" /during world war II "only for Germans"/ since coming Wednesday September 22, 2021 in Canada: "ONLY for VACCINATED" ....
- restaurants - only fur....vaccinated...
- exercisse clubs - only fur ... vaccinated...
- travelling by train, water, air /since Oct. 11, 2021/ - only fur ... vaccinated...
- Walmart /since Nov. 1, 2021/ - only... fur ... vaccinated...
other department stores /Lablaws, Costco, Freshco, Home Depot, Canadian
Tire, Rona, Shoppers Drug Mart/ will follow...
- Gas station and fuel /Slovenia started with this "only FUR vaccinated" last week Sept. 15/... - prayer service in churches ... only fur... vaccinated...
wake up people
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Satanic ceremony of opening of Gotthard tunel in Switzerland, father Jenkins comments:
What happened in March 2020 was only filling out, world freemasonry plans...
In 2016 very significant event in Switzerland, opening long under Alps tunnel Gotthard, with participation of political heads of Europe /Switzerland, Italy, British, German and others/. Freemasonic ceremony uncovered its SATANISTS roots and plans for world governments:
show was strictly satanic with significant ending: whole world must be OFFERED to SATAN:
ktoz jak Bog1
And everything in hands of Almighty GOD.
FREEMASONRY - servant of Satan is going to hit also churches, specially roman catholic.
Canada: since Sept. 22 all restaurants, bars, exercisse rooms are forbidden for non-vaccinated.
Since Oct. 11, 2021 travelling by train, water and air and NOT vaccinated - are forbidden.
Since Nov. 01, 2021 - all not vaccinated can't use major stores in Canada, WALMART.
Governor of major city in Philippine ordered all citizens to vaccinate /middle of August 2021/. Who is not going for vaccination to the end of August 2021 will be forbidden to use department stores, buying food and water.
ktoz jak Bog1
Governor of Tennessee state on August 11 issued executive order stating that National Gard and other enforcement units can use law introduced by president Obama /January 2015/ which says that those can enter your home, apartment , take you from home, vaccinate. If you are still against you will be sent to concentration camp for years without any proecution orders .
Jeffrey Ade
Bad news!
that Obama's law was never revoked by Trump /sic!/
This rules will cover whole world soon.
LJUBLJANA, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) --In a drive to push citizens for COVID-19 immunization , the government of Slovenia on Wednesday introduced new restrictions for those not vaccinated.
From Sept. 15, people who have been NOT vaccinated can NOT use public places like restaurants, bars, shopping centers, hairdressers or petrol stations. The few exceptions include children under the age of 12, visits …More
LJUBLJANA, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) --In a drive to push citizens for COVID-19 immunization , the government of Slovenia on Wednesday introduced new restrictions for those not vaccinated.
From Sept. 15, people who have been NOT vaccinated can NOT use public places like restaurants, bars, shopping centers, hairdressers or petrol stations. The few exceptions include children under the age of 12, visits to food shops or pharmacists and urgent visits to the doctor.