
Abuses Hoax: Opus Dei Member Goes through Hell

In November 2018, a Vizcaya Court, Spain, sentenced José María Martínez, a numerary member of the Opus Dei, to 11 years in prison, later reduced to 2 years. Martínez published his version on JoseMariaMartinezGaztelueta.com. It is as follows:

After an oligarch media witch-hunt, Martínez was falsely convicted of “abusing” a certain Juan Cuatrecasas when Martínez was his teacher at the Opus Dei Gaztelueta College in Lejona between 2006-2010.

Martínez has always defended his innocence and maintained the same version of events while Cuatrecasas and his family have come up with ever-changing stories.

A Vatican investigation cleared Martínez.

After his conviction, Martínez has had cancer, as he says, a somatisation of the injustice he has suffered.

His accuser began taking psychotropics already at the age of 10, before he knew Martínez. Later, he experienced hallucinations. Psychiatrist Iñaki Viar, who was sentenced to twenty years in prison in 1970 for helping to plant an ETA bomb was the prosecution's key witness.

Finally, Francis became personally involved in the case, writing a note to Cuatrecasas and talking his side for no reason.

The Vatican opened a second canonical trial. Martínez found out about it from the oligarchs’ media. It wants to apply canonical norms retroactively which contradicts human rights, applies ecclesiastical legislation to a layman, and has received the accusers but not the victim.

Martínez writes, “I am crushed by so much abuse.” He had to change jobs and leave behind his life-long passion: education, “They have destroyed my life.”

The father of the false victim, also called Juan Cuatrecasas, used the case to become notorious and a member of Congress for Spain’s regime Socialists.
