
The Statuette Worshipped in Vatican Was the Demon Pachamama - Amazonian Bishop

It was indeed the pagan goddess Pachamama that “was worshipped in the Vatican,” said Spanish-born Bishop José Luís Azcona Hermoso, 79, in a lengthy October 16 homily in the Cathedral of Belem (video).

A former Marajó bishop, Azcona compares Pachamama or Mother Earth with the Anatolian idol Cybele (Roman: Magna Mater) and the Babylonian Astarte, both expressing the female fertility.

According to Azcona, the prostrations in front of Pachamama, even performed by religious, in the Vatican Gardens constitute an "invocation of the mythical power of Mother Earth". Azcona qualifies this as "demonic sacrileges" producing scandal "especially for the little ones".

He called it “a lie” to claim that the statue represents Our Lady, “We do not make syncretistic mixtures.”

Video below: Francis blesses the demon Pachamama (October 4).


God bless Bishop Azcona
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The Statuette Worshipped in Vatican Was the Demon Pachamama - Amazonian Bishop
It was indeed the pagan goddess Pachamama that “was worshipped in the Vatican,” said Spanish-born Bishop José Luís Azcona Hermoso, 79, in a lengthy October 16 homily in the Cathedral of Belem (video).
A former Marajó bishop, Azcona compares Pachamama or Mother Earth with the Anatolian idol Cybele (Roman: Magna Mater)…More
The Statuette Worshipped in Vatican Was the Demon Pachamama - Amazonian Bishop

It was indeed the pagan goddess Pachamama that “was worshipped in the Vatican,” said Spanish-born Bishop José Luís Azcona Hermoso, 79, in a lengthy October 16 homily in the Cathedral of Belem (video).

A former Marajó bishop, Azcona compares Pachamama or Mother Earth with the Anatolian idol Cybele (Roman: Magna Mater) and the Babylonian Astarte, both expressing the female fertility.

According to Azcona, the prostrations in front of Pachamama, even performed by religious, in the Vatican Gardens constitute an "invocation of the mythical power of Mother Earth". Azcona qualifies this as "demonic sacrileges" producing scandal "especially for the little ones".

He called it “a lie” to claim that the statue represents Our Lady, “We do not make syncretistic mixtures.”

Video below: Francis blesses the demon Pachamama (October 4).

Libor Halik
The bishop Azcona qualifies this as "demonic sacrileges". A former Marajó bishop, Azcona compares Pachamama or Mother Earth with the Anatolian idol Cybele (Roman: Magna Mater) and the Babylonian Astarte.
"Embarrassing" was a word used when it was discovered the statuettes were thrown in the Tiber. But the people with this reaction are the ones that should be embarrassed, ashamed, remorseful, knowing full well that this idol worship has prompted less than a shoulder shrug likely for decades. They didn't even realize that when the practice was brought into the light of day that Catholics wood respond …More
"Embarrassing" was a word used when it was discovered the statuettes were thrown in the Tiber. But the people with this reaction are the ones that should be embarrassed, ashamed, remorseful, knowing full well that this idol worship has prompted less than a shoulder shrug likely for decades. They didn't even realize that when the practice was brought into the light of day that Catholics wood respond appropriately.