
Michigan House Passes Bill Punishing Coerced Abortion

MICAIAH BILGER MAR 24, 2016 | 6:58PM LANSING, MI Pro-life lawmakers in the Michigan House passed a bill on Thursday that would protect women from being pressured into having abortions. The Detroit News …More
Pro-life lawmakers in the Michigan House passed a bill on Thursday that would protect women from being pressured into having abortions.
The Detroit News reports the bill would strengthen the penalties for anyone who coerces a woman into having an abortion against her will.
State Rep. Amanda Price, R-Park Township, who sponsored the bill, said the measure will empower women.
“Employers threaten to demote or fire pregnant employees, college coaches threaten to take away scholarships, and parents too can be coercive,” Price said.
Studies show that coerced abortions are frequent, but they are often ignored by the abortion industry and its advocates.
Despite claiming to support a woman’s “right to choose,” most Michigan Democrats voted against the bill on Thursday. The local news report states the House Democrats claimed the bill was an unnecessary effort to appease pro-lifers.
The report continues: The two-bill package would create new abortion …More
@Abramo of course, I couldn't agree more! We are slow to take up the full truth and move as if walking through sludge. This is the home of Rebecca Kiessling. Michigan is one of the few states with a ban on third trimester abortion that does NOT allow for any exceptions.
I agree with Abramo . . .
We are still waiting for the law that (severely) punishes abortion all together.