How Pell made himself enemies. Catholicsm. This was in 2002.

Pell lashes out after gays refused communion

The Catholic Archbishop, the Most Rev George Pell, yesterday refused Holy Communion to openly gay and lesbian parishioners, coupling his first Sydney …
Boffhead you seem so uneducated in the matter, why you didn't even watch the 2nd Royal commission were it was established that Cardinal Pell could not stand Ridsdale. Good heavens you are dumb. If anyone takes notices of your crap, then that would be a clear case of the blind leading the blind!
Ballarat (eg 'Fr.' Gerald Ridsdale--Australia's Geoghan/McCarrick, Cardinal Pell's friend) was already Aussie Child-Rape Central by 1993, as well as Pell's former parish as pastor. By 2002 charges against Pell had already circulated. WARNING: EXPLICIT: www.youtube.com/watch .
Poor Cardinal Pell is not a martyr at all, much less to the gay lobby. Rather there is a very strong case that he is part …More
Ballarat (eg 'Fr.' Gerald Ridsdale--Australia's Geoghan/McCarrick, Cardinal Pell's friend) was already Aussie Child-Rape Central by 1993, as well as Pell's former parish as pastor. By 2002 charges against Pell had already circulated. WARNING: EXPLICIT: www.youtube.com/watch .

Poor Cardinal Pell is not a martyr at all, much less to the gay lobby. Rather there is a very strong case that he is part and parcel of it within the Church, specifically: the priestly Homosexual Network Strangling the Church ('conservative' wing--think Maciel), in the memorable phrase of Archbishop Vigano. If he were not, Antipope Francis would never have admitted him to the Gang of Nine.

And I note again the Cardinal refused to testify in the face of the horrifying charges at his trial. While a jury may not draw a legal inference from that fact, you and I are permitted to do so, gentle reader.
Yes indeed!