
“Dubia” by Cardinal Zen on the pastoral guidelines of the Holy See concerning the civil registration …

First of all I find strange that the document is issued by “The Holy See”, without specifying which Department and no signature of the responsible Officer. In paragraphs 1 and 2 the document explains …More
First of all I find strange that the document is issued by “The Holy See”, without specifying which Department and no signature of the responsible Officer.
In paragraphs 1 and 2 the document explains the problem and the general solution.
1. The problem is that the government has reneged on its promises to respect Catholic doctrine. In the civil registration of the clergy, it almost always requires the clergy to accept the principle of self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation of the Church in China (this could be completed with what the letter from Pope Benedict XVI says in point 7.8: “to adopt attitudes, make gestures and undertake commitments that are contrary to the dictates of their conscience as Catholics.”
2. Faced with this complex situation, which is not always the same everywhere, the Holy See provided a general outline on how to behave: on the one hand, it says it does not intend to force people; hence calling (but omitting to explicitly say “the government”) for …More
Our Lady of China pray for us
Zen comments on the statement that China has logically recognised the papacy, adding that in totalitarian systems the only logic is that “a white cat is the same as a black cat, as long as it serves the purposes of the Party”.