
Open Letter to Pope Francis: A Cri de Coeur from a Convert

A Cri de Coeur from a Convert to Pope Francis Dr. Maike Hickson December 10, 2014 “Dear director, dear Riccardo, why would I ever write these things to you? Because last night I couldn't sleep. And …More
A Cri de Coeur from a Convert to Pope Francis
Dr. Maike Hickson
December 10, 2014
“Dear director, dear Riccardo, why would I ever write these things to you? Because last night I couldn't sleep. And because I’d like to understand – and ask the readership of Bussola a question: What more has to happen in the Church for Catholics to stand up, once and for all, and shout their indignation from the rooftops? Attention: I am addressing individual Catholics, not associations, secret meetings, movements, sects which for years have been managing the brains of the faithful for the benefit of third parties, dictating the line the followers have to take. .... No, no: here I am making an appeal to individual consciences, to their hearts, their faith and their virility. Before it is too late.” (Mario Palmaro, Letter to Riccardo Cascioli, Director of La Nuova Bussola Quotidana, 8 January 2014)
Dear Holy Father,
It is with agony of heart that I decide to write this open and candid letter. And I shall …More
Dr Bobus
This is the Carlo Martini SJ papacy, which means that it has been influenced by Karl Rahner. Just be glad that it was preceded by the papacies of JPII and BXVI.
On the other hand, IMHO, the Society of Saint Pius X will become more and more regularized under Pope Francis, beginning with certain bishops who tend to be more amenable (or at least less hostile) to the SSPX.More
This is the Carlo Martini SJ papacy, which means that it has been influenced by Karl Rahner. Just be glad that it was preceded by the papacies of JPII and BXVI.

On the other hand, IMHO, the Society of Saint Pius X will become more and more regularized under Pope Francis, beginning with certain bishops who tend to be more amenable (or at least less hostile) to the SSPX.