Thank you Trudeau! Another Church Burnt Down in Canada

St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June. The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the …More
St Anne's in west Toronto, an Anglican church, was completely destroyed by fire on 9 June.
The 124-year-old church contained early paintings by three Group of Seven artists that were installed in the church in the 1920s. The church was locked and no one was inside.
The Group of Seven was a collective of Canadian landscape painters, active from 1920 to 1933, known for their striking and vivid depictions of the Canadian wilderness. Their work played a crucial role in the development of a distinct Canadian art style and has left a lasting legacy in the country's cultural heritage.
Following slanderous accusations by salon socialist Justin Trudeau and the media that the Catholic Church committed "mass murder" of Indian children a century ago, nearly a hundred churches across Canada were burned or vandalised, although it was clear from the start, and confirmed after excavations, that these were all bald-faced lies.
Everyday for Life Canada
Welcome to Canada’s official religion: the cult of DIE, diversity, inclusion and equity. Christians of course are the new heretics. “Inclusion” has its limits.