
Healing Homosexuals: Clergy Congregation Hastens to Help the Oligarchs

The Clergy Congregation, which then was headed by Cardinal Beniamino Stella, distanced itself from the Spanish Verdad y Libertad (VYL) platform which engages in conversion and healing therapies for repentant homosexuals.

VYL was founded in late 2012 by Granada-based paediatrician Miguel Ángel Sánchez Cordón who belongs to the Focolari movement and who himself was healed of homosexuality.

Sánchez has received dozens of endorsements by bishops, parish priests, superiors of seminaries and religious congregations. Roman Auxiliary Bishop Daniele Libanori is his enthusiastic supporter.

As could be expected, the oligarchs’ media went out of their way to smear Sánchez with uncorroborated facts about Sánchez “forcing patients to undress in front of him.”

Also according to expectations, the Clergy Congregation hastened now to help the oligarchs by declaring that VYL is not an ecclesiastical body and by inviting the Spanish bishops not to support it.

Picture: © Brian Talbot, CC BY-NC, #newsBjulkbemfs