
Traditionis Custodes: SECOND Moderate Bishop Issues Dispensation

Many moderate bishops around the globe try to preserve existing Roman Masses in their dioceses or to delay a decision.

Even the anti-Catholic Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich left things "for the moment" as they are. This is remarkable as Francis spread the lie that Traditionis Custodes was a "response" to the wishes of the bishops.

The way to handle Traditionis Custodes is Canon 87: “A diocesan bishop, whenever he judges that a dispensation will contribute to their spiritual good, is able to dispense the faithful from universal and particular disciplinary laws issued for his territory or his subjects by the supreme authority of the Church.”

In keeping with this regulation, Springfield Bishop Thomas Paprocki, a canon lawyer, allowed all priest in a July 19 decree to continue as usual.

Knoxville Bishop Richard Stika - a weird and split personality who proposed to introduce Communion in the hand in the Roman Mass, followed this lead.

In a July 21 decree, Stika referred to Canon 87 not only to let all the Roman Masses continue but also to do so in parochial churches against Francis wishes. Stika explains that the Roman Masses are all celebrated in parish churches and that there are no readily available alternatives.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsNzshvgazyb
Ave Crux
Right, wait until it comes time to ordain FSSP Seminarians and they would like to set up additional parishes to extend the availability of the TLM throughout the world.
Where will all these Seminarians go once ordained? There are well over 3,000 dioceses in the world, and now the Pope has forbidden any new TLM parishes.
Traditionis Custodes:
Art. 3. § 2.
...not however in the parochial churches and …
Right, wait until it comes time to ordain FSSP Seminarians and they would like to set up additional parishes to extend the availability of the TLM throughout the world.

Where will all these Seminarians go once ordained? There are well over 3,000 dioceses in the world, and now the Pope has forbidden any new TLM parishes.

Traditionis Custodes:

Art. 3. § 2.
...not however in the parochial churches and without the erection of new personal parishes

Art. 3. § 6.
...to take care not to authorize the establishment of new groups.

Rather than be able to expand the reach of FSSP -- or even permit Novus Ordo Priests who would like to offer the TLM in their parishes (and I know a few) -- "moderate" Bishops may allow chapels which already exist to continue; but setting up new ones is now forbidden, lest they be deemed "disobedient"

Apparently, all of the Bishops in the Philippines like the Motu Proprio and intend to confine any new priests to the New Mass:

"Quoting from the pope’s letter, the Filipino bishops said that seminarians and new priests should 'be formed in the faithful observance of the prescriptions of the Missal and liturgical books, in which is reflected the liturgical reform willed by Vatican Council II.'”

The same article indicates the Bishops in Costa Rica have banned the TLM outright.
...which shows that good bishops and even those who like the money-making power of the TLM are continuing to allow it. Proving a certain seer right, once more. ;-)
Look at Stika's face
Interesting to look back at Pope Francis’ major 2013 interview “A Big Heart Open to God”
atreverse pensar
This is the "mercy" of the torturer.
"The Mass is the chief act of divine worship; it should also be the source and center of Christian piety."" Pius XII
Typical response from a bishop