Cardinal Marx: Pope’s Line in Amoris Laetitia is “Very Clear”

Cardinal Reinhard Marx in Rome, Feb. 6, 2017. (Edward Pentin/ Blogs | Feb. 7, 2017 Defends German bishops’ guidelines on …
GJA Taylor
Card. Mar is a fake
Yes the LORD loves us all,but he will give you all the rope you need to hang yourself with.
Fiel A Cristo
It's very clear to swallow your own damnation, right.
I hope and pray that God will give ´Francis´ and the German bishops a very clear sign that they must repent. 🙏 🙏 🙏
God is not sleeping ,in time ,He is going to do what is right .
Meanwhile, Walter Kasper, has said he believes allowing intercommunion with Protestants in cases such as a mixed marriage is “the position of the current Pope.”