
Dutch Bishop: The Vatican's Pitiful State of Affairs Come To Light

Dutch Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, 65, has published another commentary on Francis' homosexual propaganda piece "Fiducia supplicans" on VitamineXp.blogspot.com (13 January). Main points.

- Fiducia Supplicans is not about broadening the meaning of blessings, but about deliberately altering what is sin.

- The objections of numerous bishops, entire episcopal conferences and hundreds of priests and faithful are arrogantly dismissed.

- FS explains "blessing" in a way that the word no longer has a clear meaning, and therefore "you can do anything with it."

- Nominalism is back from being away. Subjectivism and relativism reign today in the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

- A more appropriate name would be "Dicastery for Deconstruction".

- Morality is pitted against dogma.

- These concessions to secular culture have no appeal to young people, and liberal seminaries and religious groups are dying while Catholic seminaries and religious groups are flourishing.

- The Church in the Netherlands [the great "role model" after the Second Vatican Council] is almost in a coma. The average age of churchgoers is over 70.

- Perhaps the current developments in the Vatican are a blessing in disguise because they reveal the state of affairs in Rome.

- Mutsaerts looks at the people Francis is surrounding himself with: James Martin, Cardinals Hollerich, Fernández or McElroy, the man who thinks the Church should change its teaching on "sodomy".

- Until recently, "Is the Pope Catholic?" was a rhetorical question. Today it is a question.

- "Francis' pontificate will, of course, come to an end. Is he the valid pope? Yes, he is. Should you obey him? No. Stay in the Church! Don't leave the Church! It is the Church of Christ."


Stand for Truth
Italian Lover
The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know. The less you know, the more you think you know everything. Knowledge is humbling. Ignorance is arrogant.
This is good, and he’s to be commended as an Auxiliary Bishop for his bold and brave stand against the Vatican’s blasphemy and his courageous defense of the truth, but we need more active Diocesan Ordinaries and active Cardinals to come forth openly and resist this madness, and to publicly condemn the diabolical abominations that are being thrust upon the Church.