Back in 2019, I went to the Catholic Parents of Special Needs Children Conference in New Jersey. They gave me a free ticket but hoped I could prepare a talk online. This is the talk I prepared. I didn’t have time to fix the automated subtitles so sorry to those who need them (this also means this post will not be a transcript).
So often we can create a confrontational attitude between a priest and …More
Back in 2019, I went to the Catholic Parents of Special Needs Children Conference in New Jersey. They gave me a free ticket but hoped I could prepare a talk online. This is the talk I prepared. I didn’t have time to fix the automated subtitles so sorry to those who need them (this also means this post will not be a transcript).

So often we can create a confrontational attitude between a priest and a family whose member has special needs. However, I think when we look at this relationship we need to keep several things in mind to make it more of a relationship of allies rather than a confrontation...

Working with Pastors Regarding Special Needs Kids

Working with Pastors Regarding Special Needs Kids April 26, 2019 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Tomorrow, I am going to the Catholic Parents of Special …
Facts Not Lies
All childrens needs are special.
Each is unique to the given child.
There is no cookbook to humanity.More
All childrens needs are special.
Each is unique to the given child.

There is no cookbook to humanity.