
Apostolic Signatura Betrays Victim of Abuse Hoax

The Signatura has rejected José María Martínez’ four petitions, withdrawn the recognition of his lawyers, and forced him to accept a court-appointed lawyer.

Martínez, a former teacher at Opus Dei’s Gaztelueta College, has been falsely accused of abuse. The Apostolic Signatura is Rome’s highest judicial authority.

On his blog, Martínez notes that Rome’s response shames any decent jurist. His version:

• A journalist knew about the decree before Martínez, “Everything that happens in Rome lacks discretion.”

• The decree was addressed to the Opus Dei which is not involved in the case.

• The response was issued by a section of the Signatura, of which Barcelona Cardinal Omella, who has defended the false accuser, Juan Cuatrecasas, is a member.

• The principle of the non-retroactivity of criminal law has been annulled, depriving Martínez of a right “that is not even denied to a war criminal.”

• The decree is not signed by the judges as is customary in normal countries.

• Martínez thinks that the Pope’s universal power over the Church cannot be exercised against canon or natural law.

• Teruel-Albarracín Bishop José Antonio Satué who is judging the case, lost his impartiality when he told an innocent Martínez to “ask for forgiveness”.

• Martínez was not allowed to see the contents of the previous investigation.

• As a layman, he is being tried through canonical procedures reserved for priests and religious.

• Martínez envisages an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.
