Martin Wilson
Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World's Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it. Battleground Melbourne 4k Remastered Official
That is for sure ,the media is the mouth of evil
'I am prepared to give my life in pursuit of that forgiveness'. Cue wiping away of tears. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. I've only watched the first minute and don't know if I can stomach watching the rest. Is it a programme merely to exculpate the guilty (not that they will ever admit their guilt) or is it a reasoned documentary? If anyone has watched it all, please let me know. The full extent of the pain …More
'I am prepared to give my life in pursuit of that forgiveness'. Cue wiping away of tears. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. I've only watched the first minute and don't know if I can stomach watching the rest. Is it a programme merely to exculpate the guilty (not that they will ever admit their guilt) or is it a reasoned documentary? If anyone has watched it all, please let me know. The full extent of the pain and suffering caused to ordinary decent people over the last two years is known only to God, but even us mortals (those who always KNEW what was going on and now those who have woken up to what was/is going on) know enough for it to sicken us. Through and through.