
The Churches Do Not Save Souls Anymore

The German churches are becoming increasingly politicized and, simultaneously, spiritually empty, writes the September edition of the German magazine Cicero. According to the magazine, they have replaced prayer and profession of faith with environmentalism and refugee relief, "Today, the churches know their CO2 balance better than the Gospel."

The magazine quotes the political scientist Klaus Schroeder, "If this continues, the churches will make themselves superfluous." Cicero writes, that the President of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, supports German Chancellor Angela Merkel unconditionally.

Cicero concludes, "The Christians have become tired. They have forgotten who they are. They do not save souls anymore, but only the whole world."

Picture: © Jeanne Menjoulet, CC BY, #newsCkxdptwwqy
Ivan Tomas
I suggest this read too: "Matt Walsh: Dear churches, you’re killing yourselves and this is how" www.theblaze.com/…/matt-walsh-dear…
So terribly sad. Christ established the Church in order to save souls and the demonic prelates use it in order to damn them.