
Francis Supporter SMdani Leaves Priesthood

Spanish Marianist Father Daniel Pajuelo, 46, a homosexualist, rapper and internet influencer (1.5M followers), has announced that "after a time of silence and reflection, I have decided to request a …More
Spanish Marianist Father Daniel Pajuelo, 46, a homosexualist, rapper and internet influencer (1.5M followers), has announced that "after a time of silence and reflection, I have decided to request a dispensation from my religious vows and priestly ministry". Pajuelo holds degrees in computer engineering and [rubbish] theology. He has written several books.
On his YouTube channel, Pajuelo promotes homosex propaganda. In one of his videos, he referred to prayer as "this shit we live on".
Pajuelo’s self-portrait on his homepage also answers the question “Who are SMdani's haters?”
His self-pitying answer, “Along the way he encountered strong opposition from priests and Catholic groups, who saw his 'bridge-building' as a threat to the 'true faith'. His support for Francis earned him persecution from some Catholic media, which catalysed hatred, provoking systematic harassment against him.”
No comment needed.
Tony Smith
May manner more perverted clergy and Bishops follow his noble example. Let us pray that Pope Francis is inspired by his friend to do the same.
English Catholic
@Tony Smith Agreed. Better he goes than stays. The ones who stay will be the problem.
[rubbish] theology. haha!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The more "Francis supporters" who quit the priesthood, the better. This loser is obviously a homosexual pervert who should never been admitted to the priesthood, nor allowed to function as one for so long, or to publish his pro-homo screeds. I would be willing to bet that 99.9% of pro-Francis priests are homosexuals, that 90% of Francis Vatican appointees are homosexuals, and most of this bishops …More
The more "Francis supporters" who quit the priesthood, the better. This loser is obviously a homosexual pervert who should never been admitted to the priesthood, nor allowed to function as one for so long, or to publish his pro-homo screeds. I would be willing to bet that 99.9% of pro-Francis priests are homosexuals, that 90% of Francis Vatican appointees are homosexuals, and most of this bishops he has appointed likewise. I would not at all be surprised if Francis were a queer himself.
Rather than listening to them, accompanying them, being pastorally supportive of them, the Roman Catholic Church should consider homosexuality among the gravest of sins, and should consider all homosexuals (whether practicing or not)," excommunicated and anathema."......to use firm old-fashioned true Catholic response to sodomites. 😂 😂 🤪
Isn't it safe to assume that clergy who are "Homosexualists" are actually "sodomites?" I mean them no harm, I have sins too, but it is a disservice to allow the charade to continue. It is not kindness. It is indeed "accompaniment." I am called not to accompany a person to the gates of Hell but call them away from that path.