
Happy Vatican: Amoris-Laetitia- and Pachamama-Bishop Did It for Decades

Homosexual Bishop Emmanuel Lafont (formerly: French Guiana) is another prove that the Vatican uses Canon Law to protect the Modernists while persecuting Catholics. Lafont's homosex record is long but …More
Homosexual Bishop Emmanuel Lafont (formerly: French Guiana) is another prove that the Vatican uses Canon Law to protect the Modernists while persecuting Catholics.
Lafont's homosex record is long but since he is anti-Catholic, he was and is above the law.
• Claims of homosexual misconduct against Lafont have been piling up since his 2004 arrival in French Guiana (PillarCatholic.com, December 23).
• 2008: The husband of a former diocesan finance official complained to Lafont about his “imprudence” of placing immigrants including minors in his home. The woman wrote a letter to the Vatican.
• 2008: Five priests wrote a letter to the Vatican’s apostolic delegation to the Antilles complaining about Lafont's financial, pastoral, and sexual practices. The Vatican appointed retired Nice Bishop Jean Bonfils to investigate, surprising him because he was Lafont's close friend. The outcome: Lafont was asked to stop housing immigrants at his residence.
• In 2017 a local man, 25, stayed in Lafont's …More
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If I'm not mistaken, he's removed now. But that means nothing. He'll probably continue with trying to seduce monks. I also read (hopefully wrong) that McCarrick is still influential in the Francis Church, despite being laicized. If I had my way, all homosexuals would be excommunicated, none would be allowed in seminaries, and if any priests were gay, or seminarians, bishops, cardinals, they would …More
If I'm not mistaken, he's removed now. But that means nothing. He'll probably continue with trying to seduce monks. I also read (hopefully wrong) that McCarrick is still influential in the Francis Church, despite being laicized. If I had my way, all homosexuals would be excommunicated, none would be allowed in seminaries, and if any priests were gay, or seminarians, bishops, cardinals, they would ALL be excommunicated and laicized.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis would adsolve/ re-instate Hitler as a member in good standing if he could.