Henryk Lahola
Durham Report: Is Reckoning Coming for Clintons and Bidens? - Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Trump-Russia probe has had an unexpected side effect: House GOP lawmakers are now calling on …More
Durham Report: Is Reckoning Coming for Clintons and Bidens?
Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Trump-Russia probe has had an unexpected side effect: House GOP lawmakers are now calling on the FBI to reopen probes into the Clinton Foundation. Sputnik has discussed the development with Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel.
"One hopes that John Durham is sharing more than enough to prompt more rigorous understanding of the vast dimensions of the Clinton Foundation scandals first reported on by investigative journalists including John Solomon and Peter Schweizer, who actually deserve Pulitzer prizes," said Charles Ortel, who has been carrying out a private investigation into the Clintons' charity network for several years. "Mainstream media 'investigators' exhibit little interest in trying to understand why so many in the Obama administration engaged in outrageous behavior that then was covered up by top level government officials and their co-conspirators in many bureaucracies."
Jeffrey Ade
Reckoning comes for all us mortals! Just ask the Blessed Virgin?
Frank Magill
Statute can be tolled when evidence is actively hidden by the perps. And there's no statute of limitations on Congressional inquiry, anyway.
Jason l
Statute of limitations.