Gloria.TV News on the 26th of April 2016 Chaos: John Allen writes that Pope Francis was elected to remedy a “governance gap” in the Vatican, but could end up having perpetuated it. Examples: Francis …More
Gloria.TV News on the 26th of April 2016

Chaos: John Allen writes that Pope Francis was elected to remedy a “governance gap” in the Vatican, but could end up having perpetuated it. Examples: Francis’ new tribunal to handle charges against bishops accused of covering up abuse cases is going nowhere. Francis’ Commission for the Protection of Minors struggles to get things done. On the financial front there is an public war between Cardinal Parolin’s Secretary of State and Cardinal Pell’s Secretariat for the Economy.

The Enemies: Sandro Magister considers the Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin and his deputy, Archbishop Becciu as the arch-enemies of Cardinal Pell. According to Magister Pell’s position is being eroded and rumors are spread that Francis will discharge Pell as soon as he reaches 75 years on June 8th, although his mandate last until 2019.

Kicking out Neocons: Magister writes that Pope Francis keeps hardcore liberals in office beyond the age of 75 while he is removing Catholics quickly. Magister mentions Cardinal Stella the head of Clergy, Baldisseri of the Synod of Bishops, Vegliò of the Concil for Migrants, Vatican Bank supervisor Santos Abril or Mainz Cardinal Lehmann. On the other side, Milan Cardinal Scola or Durban Cardinal Napier are expected to be replaced quickly.

The Smear Continues: Pope Francis has personally stopped the canonization of Croatian Martyr Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac after a letter sent to him by Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej. This has been stated by former Croatian Ambassador to the Vatican Filip Vucak. Stepinac has not only been the victim of Communism but also of a leftwing smear-campaign. According to Vucak Francis will establish an Orthodox-Catholic commission that will examine the life and work of Cardinal Stepinac.
By the way, Cardinal Stepinac is blessed.
Well he did say to pray for him that he may not flee from these wolves.
May God comfort his persecuted "true apostles", our lord is showing us who are his true disciples during this time of great trials for the Church. Without a doubt
Pope Francis makes the 38th anti-Pope. The devil may have his hour but our lord will have his day!
Francesco Federico