“Receive, O virgin, this holy veil, and wear it without stain until thou shalt appear before the judgment seat of Our Lord Jesus Christ, before Whom every knee shall bow, of those that are in heaven,…More
“Receive, O virgin, this holy veil, and wear it without stain until thou shalt appear before the judgment seat of Our Lord Jesus Christ, before Whom every knee shall bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, for all eternity, Amen.”
Credo .
@Adrien ~ It's a very beautiful 1st Holy Communion veil. Very appropiate for this occasion. 🙏 🙏 🙏
@ElizabethCook I don't think anybody will repurpose this particular veil into something else for the altar.
I believe that a semi-transparent veil is not in accordance with the precept of the New Testament which commands women to cover their heads.
One of the goals is not to be a cause of distraction in the assembly.
This "veil" with the motif of a chalice and a consecrated host does the exact …More
@ElizabethCook I don't think anybody will repurpose this particular veil into something else for the altar.

I believe that a semi-transparent veil is not in accordance with the precept of the New Testament which commands women to cover their heads.

One of the goals is not to be a cause of distraction in the assembly.

This "veil" with the motif of a chalice and a consecrated host does the exact opposite effect!

@Jeffrey Ade
Jeffrey Ade
@Adrien I admire your sense of Fidelium! Our Lady of Fatima, pray foe us!
Though I have never seen a chalice and host on a mantilla, it is still beautiful and perhaps could be used to adorn the altar instead. I would not burn it.
Very inappropriate. Burn it!