Bishop Strickland calls out Rome for ‘weaponized ambiguity’ on women, homosexual blessings

John-Henry Westen: Bishop Strickland, so good to be with you. God bless you. Bishop Joseph Strickland: I agree. Thank you. JHW: If you can begin, as we always do, with the sign of the cross. Bishop …More
John-Henry Westen: Bishop Strickland, so good to be with you. God bless you.
Bishop Joseph Strickland: I agree. Thank you.
JHW: If you can begin, as we always do, with the sign of the cross.
Bishop Strickland: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
JHW: Amen. So you’ve been receiving a lot of messages of praise and thanks for your stance, your fidelity, for the joy and the confirmation that people aren’t crazy that you’re giving a lot of people. Tell us about that.
Bishop Strickland: Yeah, it really is overwhelming. I’m humbled by the number of people really from all over that are just thanking me, thanking me for the way I’ve dealt with this, which is humbling. I really feel I have to credit the grace of God, the Holy Spirit. Nobody told me how to respond. And I’m sure there are different ways to respond.
But really, John-Henry, I base the peace that I feel, the joy that’s still in my life, is because I’m sharing the truth of Jesus Christ that strengthens …More
BIshop Strickland: Keep my job. Namely safeguarding the unchanging unchangable deposit of faith.