
Pell: What Happened to That Money?

Cardinal Pell is not sure whether church personnel participated in promoting the false accusations against him causing his imprisonment, he told EWTN.com (December 18).

He stressed that 2.3 million Australian Dollars went from the Secretariat of State to Australia. Cardinal Becciu said of that sum that "it was none of Pell’s business" to know where it went.

Monsignor Alberto Perlasca, the main witness of the prosecution in the Becciu trial told the prosecutors that the money was sent to the Australian Bishops for Pell’s legal expenses. However, the bishops told Pell in writing that they received no money, nor did Pell.

Therefore, he wants to know what the money was used for and he hopes that "the Vatican wasn’t involved in promoting hostile articles against me."

Regarding the financial Vatican reforms, Pell says that "most, if not all, of the corruption has been removed." Tellingly he adds, "I hope that." Now, the Vatican's problem is for Pell that it is running out of money.


There's clearly something wrong with Pell