Catechism in Pictures, text & image-42 THE COMMANDMENTS. The Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not steal. 1. By this Commandment we are forbidden (1) to take unjustly what belongs to another, (2) to …More
Catechism in Pictures, text & image-42
The Seventh Commandment: Thou shalt not steal.
By this Commandment we are forbidden (1) to take unjustly what belongs to another, (2) to retain it unjustly if it is in our possession, or (3) to cause him wrongful loss in any other way.
2. Those who take unjustly what is not theirs include thieves and robbers, dishonest domestic and other servants, fraudulent merchants and tradesmen, corrupt magistrates and judges, usurers and, speaking generally, every one who appropriates what is not his own against the owner's will.
3. Children who steal from their parents sin against this Commandment, because what they take does not belong to them.
4. It is of course always a sin to take unjustly what does not belong to you, but in any particular case the gravity of the sin will depend on the value of the thing taken.
5. Yet under certain circumstances even a mere petty theft may become a mortal sin, as, for instance, when the loss is a …More
Claudius Cartapus
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