Keeper of the Door. Lord, may we humble our hearts, serve You as a keeper of the Door.More
Keeper of the Door.
Lord, may we humble our hearts, serve You as a keeper of the Door.
Dear Holyrope3,
Please forgive my ignorance and lack of understanding of this Blest Faith. Please continue to post about the Saints, as I have so much to learn. His Grace and Peace ever shine through you, as you are His Gem 😇
holyrope 3
Our Blessed Mother certainly is a door in many ways, She brings us to her Son, she intercedes for us all, she has manifested herself to privileged souls on how we should live and please her Son. We truly have the best Mother...we thank Thee Jesus for giving her to us!
Dear Holyrope3,
Bless you and may our Lord shine His love ever through your heart and videos. 😇
holyrope 3
Now if we see such perverse zeal in the ministers of Satan to spread, by all possible means, their doctrines, with what zeal should not Christians, and especially Christian Pastors, be moved to make known the Gospel truths, and repeat them in season and out of season, regardless of fastidious minds which are displeased when a priest repeats a thing and goes over old, but necessary ground again. "…More
Now if we see such perverse zeal in the ministers of Satan to spread, by all possible means, their doctrines, with what zeal should not Christians, and especially Christian Pastors, be moved to make known the Gospel truths, and repeat them in season and out of season, regardless of fastidious minds which are displeased when a priest repeats a thing and goes over old, but necessary ground again. "What," exclaims St. Francis de Sales,--" what, is it not necessary, in working iron, to heat it over and over again, and in painting to touch and retouch the canvas repeatedly? How much more necessary is it to repeat the same thing again and again, in order to imprint eternal truths on hardened intellects, and on hearts confirmed in evil: St. John, the Baptist, and the Apostle St. Paul spoke from their prison walls; St Peter spoke freely and forcibly to the ancients, saying that it is better to obey God than men; and the Apostle St. Andrew spoke from the wood of the cross."