
Francis Waves Nazi Flag To Justify Illegal Immigration

Pushing the fear button twice, Francis said during his Sunday visit in Bari, Italy, that "it frightens me when I hear speeches of some populist political leaders as they seem like the kind of speeches that sowed fear and then hatred in the 1930s.”

He did not give any examples but went on pressing the fear button a third time, "Fear is leading to a sense that we need to defend ourselves against what is depicted in demagogic terms as an invasion.”

Francis simplistically calls the clash of civilisations “rhetoric” which allegedly serve to justify "violence" and to "nurture hatred." Again no examples were given.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZymwehigne

If Gänswein is the Gestapo according to Ratzinger, the Antichrist is Hitler II who sows hatred against the Church wherever he goes. That is why one should not hesitate to say, and I say this loudly: Bergoglio is a Nazi because Gänswein is an SS! Besides, he made it clear by uprooting Ratzinger's vineyard because of the famous book, and instead he put in a piece of road starting nowhere and going …More
If Gänswein is the Gestapo according to Ratzinger, the Antichrist is Hitler II who sows hatred against the Church wherever he goes. That is why one should not hesitate to say, and I say this loudly: Bergoglio is a Nazi because Gänswein is an SS! Besides, he made it clear by uprooting Ratzinger's vineyard because of the famous book, and instead he put in a piece of road starting nowhere and going nowhere: this is what we call integral ecology in the style of the Antichrist!
Francis, if we build walls to keep those out who don’t have the legal right to enter, “we cut ourselves off from the richness brought by others, which always represents an opportunity for growth”
Where does Francis get this sick evil from?
Pope Francis? Meet Godwin's Law.
The Lavendar Vatican likes mass migration as it means more homeless youths at the train station are available to be corrupted.