Bishop Allows Mass, But Is Happy that No One Wants to Celebrate It

Archbishop Gianpiero Palmieri, Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy, has allowed the continuation of the monthly Mass in San Cristoforo, in the centre of Ascoli, for the "Coetus Fidelium Beato Marco da Montegallo".

This Mass has been held in Ascoli since 2019. At first it was celebrated by a local priest. When he resigned, no other local priest could be found, so Father Giorgio Lenzi travels from Rome (575 km) for the celebration.

Monsignor Palmieri told (20 February) that he shares the reasons of his priests who refuse to celebrate the Mass, because he believes that the [failed] Novus Ordo "has made the rite very rich in prayers and sacred texts".

According to him, the Church's reticence about the Holy Mass is linked to the risk that the Second Vatican Council "will not be recognised".

Palmieri invokes a "dangerous split" promoted by Bishop (sic) Marcel François (sic) Lefebvre, as if Pius X were to blame for the enormous problems of the Church.

He claims that Paul VI did a "tremendous job" in keeping the Church united, achieving an almost unanimous vote in favour of all 14 [useless] documents issued by the Council: "Only 4 did not vote and Lefebvre proclaimed the schism" (sic).

This is wishful thinking. After the Council, tens of thousands of priests left their ministry and well over 80% of the Catholic faithful simply disappeared.

Palmieri - who only presides at Novus Ordo Eucharists - once assisted at a liturgy in San Cristoforo.

He noted afterwards that "there was a lot of silence, except for the organ music, the people spoke only in a few places, rather they prayed alone".

He had the impression that the people were looking "for prayer in silence", but that there was "little nourishment from the Word of God". It is a fact that the Roman Rite faithful are much better instructed in the doctrines of the Faith and of Holy Scripture than the participants of the Novus Ordo.

He claims that there are "very few Bible passages" in the Roman Rite, whereas in the Sunday Eucharist "the entire Word of God is read in three years [which is not true], with a great wealth of prayers and ancient texts".

In reality, there are virtually no "ancient texts" preserved in the Novus Ordo, whose texts are constantly changed by the presiders according to their whims.

Moreover, Palmieri needs to understand that the liturgy of the Church is not a Bible study, as the founders of Protestantism believed.

Palmieri is one of those prelates who have been promoted and then demoted by Francis. He became an auxiliary bishop of Rome in May 2018 and vicar general of the diocese of Rome in September 2020. Only thirteen months later, Francis deposed him and sent him to the insignificant diocese of Ascoli Piceno.


Thank you. This article is full of important information. I appreciate it.