Don Reto Nay

Infographic: 4.5 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

LGBT 4.5 Percent of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT A total of 4.5 percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBT in 2017, a new record high. In the latest …
Hell knows God exists too.
For those who don’t read French, the last two lines of the gay pride banner is:
"We aren’t here to decorate, we are here to destroy society” (They are open about it now.)More
For those who don’t read French, the last two lines of the gay pride banner is:

"We aren’t here to decorate, we are here to destroy society” (They are open about it now.)
LGBTism is just another neo-Marxist ideology. The 5% oppressed must rise up against the 95% oppressors in revenge & envy. The revolution demands the complete destruction of "heteronormative" society. Nothing less is acceptable to them.