A Yes-Man: "I'm Absolutely in Line with the Pope"

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, 65, of Luxembourg, is "very happy" that his country introduced a radical separation between the State and the Church in 2015, he told LEssentiel.lu (19 February).

With the separation, the state stopped paying the salaries of priests and other church employees and cancelled Catholic religious education in schools.

The Cardinal complains, however, that the Church has to pay rent for churches maintained by the state and that religious education in schools has been abolished: "But we need to know about religions (sic) if we want to understand the world of tomorrow."

He blames Covid - and not the clergy - for the decline in church attendance, but believes that "we are gaining non-Luxembourg Catholics".

A buddy of Francis, Hollerich says his boss is doing well for a man of 87: "He tires a little faster, but he's full of energy".

He meets Francis "four or five times a year for three-day meetings": "It's very intense."

As for Sodoma supplicans, he is fully behind his master: "I am absolutely in line with the Pope." No wonder, since Francis only allows yes-men around him.

Hollerich repeats Francis' twisted argument: "Would we refuse to bless a homosexual couple because they are 'sinners' and bless an entrepreneur who is going to invest against humanity? It's hypocritical".

In fact, Francis blesses both. But Christ blesses neither.

The prelate continues: "Francis considers himself a 'sinner' and so do I. The Pope doesn't like to condemn the sins of others without looking at his own." That is true, but it is not an argument in favour of "blessing" sin.

Without realising it, Hollerich deals himself and Francis a deathblow: "Why are we only interested in morality below the belt?" That's the point: doesn't Francis have more urgent things to do than to propagate homosexual blessings?

According to Hollerich, "the times we live in have changed phenomenally, and the Church needs to be understood by the people". Fair enough. 95% of practising Catholics worldwide are appalled by prelates like Bergoglio and Hollerich who are obsessed with homosexual propaganda and "below the belt morality".

And indeed, Hollerich stays below the belt: "Many bishops wonder, for example, whether priests should get married" - and he admits that he is one of them.

"Some priests find their celibacy difficult", he complains, and seems to believe that marriage would be "easier".

Cardinal Hollerich is asked whether his dioceses have analysed the problem of homosexual abuse of minors. His reply: "I had my staff search all the archives, but we didn't find much."

He has met Luxembourg's new prime minister, Luc Frieden, but "I also had a very good relationship with Mr Bettel", who - surprise? - was the world's first openly homosexual prime minister.

Picture: Jean-Claude Hollerich © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsDtcsdurnat

Maria delos Angeles
@SonoftheChurch What Pope?
He might indeed be “in line with the Pope” but he’s not line with the Lord.