Pornographic Films: Rupnik Victim Comes Out In Person

Gloria Branciani, 59, a former member of Father Rupnik's Loyola community, presented her version of the affair with the former Jesuit at a press conference in Rome today.

It is a story of manipulation experienced as "devastating abuse". Branciani has now revealed her identity - while in 2022 she wrote her story under the pseudonym Anna.

She came without make-up, dyed hair, wore a purple knitted jumper and spoke with an upright posture.

Branciani met Rupnik, who is ten years her senior, when she was a student in Rome as her "spiritual guide". He complimented her and began to touch her. He always justified this on religious grounds, as a "contribution to her spiritual growth".

In the mid-1980s, Rupnik and Ivanka Hosta founded the Loyola Community. Branciani joined the group and went to Slovenia.

There, Rupnik's sexual urges became more aggressive and frequent. He wanted other sisters to have sex with him: "Our relationship wasn’t exclusive but had to be a relation in the image of the Trinity."

He wanted other nuns to have sex with them demanding threesomes. He also took them to see pornographic films. Finally, Branciani informed the superior Ivanka Hosta, who did nothing. She left the community in 1994.

In 2021, the Jesuits contacted her to use her testimony in the case against Rupnik.

Another former sister, Mirjam Kovac, 61, also told the press conference of manipulation, sexual and spiritual abuse by Father Rupnik. She believes Rupnik had sex with about 20 of the 40 sisters.

Father Rupnik has the unconditional backing of Francis.


Credo .
All collaborators in this sacrilege!
Sandy Barrett shares this
Two former nuns said that a Fr. Marko Rupnik made them take part in threesomes and watch porn so they would "grow spiritually".
Naomi Arai
I want to know how dumb any nun would have to be to believe that line of crap.
J G Tasan
Was it under the influence of alcohol or drug??? 🤔