Cardinal Burke on the 5th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum

Cardinal Burke on the 5th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum Rorate CaeliMore
Cardinal Burke on the 5th anniversary of Summorum Pontificum
Rorate Caeli
It is certainly ashame that pastors are still refusing the true Mass...but it will return in all it's beauty and splendor! I've noticed that poster Saint Benedict pray for us is always being deleted from his postings...not sure who to address...but why is he being allowed to continue on this wonderful site when he continues to ignore its policies? just asking. ....and thank you Gloria tv for all …More
It is certainly ashame that pastors are still refusing the true Mass...but it will return in all it's beauty and splendor! I've noticed that poster Saint Benedict pray for us is always being deleted from his postings...not sure who to address...but why is he being allowed to continue on this wonderful site when he continues to ignore its policies? just asking. ....and thank you Gloria tv for all that you do in keeping us Catholics informed!
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The photo shown …More
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The photo shown above accompanying this News Brief is of Don Reto saying the Traditional Latin Mass in Sedrun, Switzerland.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
Comment from Rorate Caeli:
Holy man that Cardinal Burke is, and I wish there were more like him in the Vatican right now, I cannot understand how His Eminence can maintain that the Tridentine Mass and the Mass of Pope Paul VI are valid expressions of the same rite.
The latter did not follow theologically from the former, as evidenced not only by the famous Ottaviani Intervention, but, more tellingly …More
Comment from Rorate Caeli:

Holy man that Cardinal Burke is, and I wish there were more like him in the Vatican right now, I cannot understand how His Eminence can maintain that the Tridentine Mass and the Mass of Pope Paul VI are valid expressions of the same rite.

The latter did not follow theologically from the former, as evidenced not only by the famous Ottaviani Intervention, but, more tellingly, from the following 1965 statement of intention by the chief architect of the New Mass, Mgr. Annibale Bugnini: “We must strip from our Catholic prayers and from the Catholic liturgy everything which can be the shadow of a stumbling block for our separated brethren that is for the Protestants.” (L’Osservatore Romano, March 19, 1965).

What followed was a rite stripped of its ancient Canon, as well as of its many reverential gestures and reparatory prayers. No longer was a high altar used, but rather a table over which the priest (often referred to now as the President) presided over the Assembly. Also highly informative was the shift in description from the “Holy Sacrifice” to “celebration of the Eucharist.”

In fact, it was as Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci had observed in the critical study sent to Pope Paul VI “…a grave departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as formulated by the Council of Trent…”

With the further illicit introduction of Communion in the hand and the widespread misuse of ministers of Holy Communion, altar girls, etc. (which Popes Paul VI and John Paul II respectively tried to stop) the honest conclusion must be that the New Mass today is much closer to the Protestant than the Catholic mindset. It is not remotely as sacred and expressive of Catholic belief as the ancient liturgy of more than 1000 years standing.

And that’s another bugbear.

How could we have got to such a state in the Church that this hallowed Mass of the centuries, so Catholic in its theology, the Mass that sanctified the saints and martyrs, is now called the “Extraordinary Form,” like some kind of distant relative far removed from memory, while that which has opened the Church up to so much Liturgical upheaval and Sacramental abuse in just 42 years is called the “Ordinary Form.” It’s truly heart breaking! What’s even more heart rending is that a majority of the world’s Bishops are simply thumbing their nose at Summorum Pontificum. They don’t want a return to unambiguous Catholic worship.