Portland archbishop slams Biden for supporting the right to 'abort a child' - LifeSite

Wed May 4, 2022 - 5:37 pm EDT PORTLAND, Oregon (LifeSiteNews) – Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample called out …
Blah, blah, blah. They talk and take no actions. Paper tigers!
chris griffin
Well at least he said something while 99% of Bishops have continued being cowards and have not said anything. His response is still far from a “slam” or “challenge” of Biden's remark.
“So, Mr. President, please remind us again how your support for abortion is consistent with your Catholic Faith?
Why such a coy response?
Why not make it a Catholic teaching moment... “abortion is murder in the eyes …More
Well at least he said something while 99% of Bishops have continued being cowards and have not said anything. His response is still far from a “slam” or “challenge” of Biden's remark.

“So, Mr. President, please remind us again how your support for abortion is consistent with your Catholic Faith?

Why such a coy response?

Why not make it a Catholic teaching moment... “abortion is murder in the eyes of God”, an abominable crime that cries out to God for vengeance and is the same sin Satan (John 8:44), the same sin as Judas (Matt 27:4) and the same sin as Cain (Gen 4:8) all at the same time and does more harm to the perpetrator than the victim and you are complicit in mass baby murder and will soon face the Avenger of innocent blood.
Archbishop of Portland challenges Biden: "Remind us again how your support for abortion is consistent with your Catholic faith"