
Financial Chaos: The Vatican Refuses to Go to the Root of the Problems

Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, a former president of the Vatican Bank, explains on marcotosatti.com, what is behind the sudden resignation of the Vaticans' auditor general, Libero Milone.

According to Gotti there is an unwillingness in the Vatican to go to the root of the problems. For him the basic difficulty lies in the non-implementation of the transparency process, that Benedict XVI wanted in his Motu Proprio on the prevention of money laundering (December 2010). Benedict XVI tried to create a financial transparency but according to Gotti, after 2012 his endeavors were altered "in a mysterious way".

For Gotti, the Vatican needs not only to exchange its instruments but also the people, who use them. But in order to find the right men a pope would need the right councilours, Gotti adds. He considers the Financial Information Authority (AIF), wanted by Benedict XVI, as a key instrument. It was first led by Cardinal Attilio Nicora (+2017), who later "during a disturbing and controversial period was replaced by people who seemed to have aimed at changing the law on transparency and money laundering."

The AIF is presently led by the Swiss lawyer René Brülhart.

Picture: Libero Milone on flickr, #newsLvqhteykzh