Piotr Jacek
Dr. Areilla Oppenheim from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, did the first extensive DNA study in 2001 on Israelis and Palestinians, and concluded that emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became …More
Dr. Areilla Oppenheim from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, did the first extensive DNA study in 2001 on Israelis and Palestinians, and concluded that emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became Israel were 40% Mongolian and 40% Turkish. There was no Semitic blood associated with the original Hebrews of the Middle East 4000 years ago in Jerusalem or the biblical territory. This was confirmed by another DNA project by dr. Eran Elhaik at the McKusick-Namans Institute for Genetic Medicine at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2012. His conclusions were the same!* Ashkenazi so-called Jews never migrated from the Middle East!* At the same time, extensive DNA evidence revealed that the Palestinians were 80% more or less, Semitic blood in their ancestors who were therefore found to be true Israelites. White Jews whose ancestors boarded ships in 1882 for Palestine before it was named Israel---are not Israelis. The truth hurts* once again. These white Eastern European descendants …More
This is all crap. And where is the remark that white Jews are Mongols and Turks?
Race as a biological characteristic is ambiguous since DNA tests show that all humans share in the same lines of ancient DNA to varying degrees. Biology only has only 3 superficial types of physical characteristics: Asian, Caucasian, and Black-African. These superficial traits are accidentals, as Aristotle noted, and are in no way essential properties of being human. The is only one true race- the …More
Race as a biological characteristic is ambiguous since DNA tests show that all humans share in the same lines of ancient DNA to varying degrees. Biology only has only 3 superficial types of physical characteristics: Asian, Caucasian, and Black-African. These superficial traits are accidentals, as Aristotle noted, and are in no way essential properties of being human. The is only one true race- the human race!
You are so virtuous.
Mongols and Turks are not white. So whether you believe this story, or believe that Jews are Semites, Jews are not white.
Mongols are Asian, and Turks, Jews and Arabs are variations of Caucasian.
Actually Turks are more than a quarter Asian. And indeed India Indians are also Caucasian, but few would classify them as white. The "different variation" of Caucasian is the brown as opposed to the white Caucasian. Jews, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Persians (Iranians), are all Caucasian, but most do not identify as white, nor are they identified as white. I say this because they are always talking …More
Actually Turks are more than a quarter Asian. And indeed India Indians are also Caucasian, but few would classify them as white. The "different variation" of Caucasian is the brown as opposed to the white Caucasian. Jews, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Persians (Iranians), are all Caucasian, but most do not identify as white, nor are they identified as white. I say this because they are always talking in the popular media now about how rare the white race is and they do this by eliminating race and determining that everyone who is not of European origin is not white. The mestizos of Central America are a mix of white and native American Indian (Asian), many in Spain probably also have Jewish and North African blood. Many probably think that Australian aboriginals are black, but they are Asian. The point here is that the person above claimed that Jews were white because they are Mongol and Turk. This is a sadly ignorant comment.
"Turks are more than a quarter Asian," "mestezos are a mix of white and native American (Asian). Good points! No one is 100% of any race but varying degrees and combinations. For example, I'm 98% European (Caucasian) and 1% Asian and 1% Black-African.
You are so virtuous and interesting.
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